Sunday, March 19, 2006

Jeremy asked me a couple of very important questions this weekend when we were together. No, he didn't propose yet; it is still a little early for that. But he asked me some important early-relationship questions. First he asked me to be his date to his brother's wedding in June. Yeah, I know it's not that big of a deal, after all, he went with me to David's wedding. But there is a greater time between now and the wedding than has elapsed already in our relationship. These are in actuality "long term" plans. He plans on still being around in 3 months. The wedding is probably on my birthday, and he said that he'd "make that up to me" if I had to go to this wedding on my birthday. Not that big of deal, spending my birthday at a wedding. Weddings do, after all, trump birthdays.

Later that night he asked me the dreaded "How do you feel about me?" How do you answer that? Of course, honestly, but how honestly? I went all out. The whole truth and nothing but the truth. I had to tell him that I love him. I think he was surprised. He asked me how much I had thought about that. I have thought about it a great deal. And it wasn't scary to tell him. He has every important quality that I look for in a man. And I trust him, respect him, and feel safe with him. I've never felt more comfortable around a boyfriend before. I can tell him anything, and he has told me many things about himself. I never feel silly around him. I actually feel like I have license to be as silly as I want. His answer was just as honest. He doesn't use the word "love" because it scares him. Every time he says love, something goes wrong. But all the implications of the L-word are there. I'm satisfied with that. It has, after all, only been two months. Not bad for two months though, huh?

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