Thursday, November 24, 2005

Well, it seems that everyone I know with a blog now is using this service, so I guess I will be a follower and use it too. I liked livejournal, but really, none of the people on my friends list there ever update their blogs anymore, so what's the point. And I guess this looks a little more grown up, and I am supposed to be a grown up now.

So Happy Thanksgiving everyone. It is now officially the Christmas Season. Not that it stopped people from playing Christmas music and putting up Christmas decorations three weeks ago.

I spent a nice evening at my grandparents house having dinner tonight. It was a very nice eving and everything was delicious. We were afraid that with my grandmother cooking, things might be a little bland because she's very into the low-fat, low-sugar, low-salt, low-flavor cooking, but she did a marvelous job making very bad for us food. And we sat around and teased each other, and my grandparents told stories about when they were young. Tonight I heard about how my grandparents eloped 50 years ago, tricking their rabbi into marrying them when he knew that their parents would be angry, and how, to their dying day, their fathers never really forgave them. Stangely, their mothers didn't really care that much.

Tomorrow, my family is having another Thanksgiving dinner that was planned weeks ago when my grandparents offered to host the real T-day feast. It was planned out of fear of the aforementioned bad food threat. So a whole bunch of family friends are coming over, and my mom is making way too much turkey, and way too many pies, and way too much of just about everything. I can't be there because I have to work my 24 hour shift. It's ok...I have leftovers. But my brother has been trying to get his new girlfriend to meet us so that he can hang out with us and with her at the same time, rather than only seeing her like he has been. She finally agreed to come to dinner tomorrow. Mitch says that this was her idea (after he mentioned it first), but now she has backed out at the last minute. This makes about the 5th thing that she's backed out of. She managed to come to my place for dinner one night, but that's about as close to the family as she's gotten. I keep telling Mitch to give it a rest. Stop asking her, stop inviting her. She'll want to come to things when she's ready. He's not listening.

Ok, so I guess that I'm ready to anounce now that I am once again single. It has now been a month since I've seen Ben, and almost three weeks since I've talked to him, but it's only been about a week since I've come to my senses and realized that it's over. And I am not at all satisfied with the way it ended. Last time I saw him, everything was great; we parted happily, with smiles and kisses. Last time I talked to him, he sounded very upset, and he said that he didn't feel like talking, but he'd call me back. Guess what? He didn't. I called him a few times to find out what was going on, but he never returned those calls either. WTF? And no, he's not dead; that's what I thought first too. I saw him, alive and well, and looking kinda happy at one of his mall kiosks. I was so upset I walked right past and left the mall without finishing my shopping and without trying to talk to him. I don't know if he saw me or not. But I do know he's a coward if he couldn't tell me himself that it's over.

So, Jewish men everywhere, beware, I am on the prowl again.

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