Wednesday, March 05, 2008

I know why I can't stand Hillary

Hillary reminds me of my mom. The way she looks; they way her cheeks are too big and end unnatually too far down her face; the way she talks; the way you can't trust anything she says. It all reeks of my mom. I realized that today when I was watching all of my Tivoed programs about the primary election from last night. I am glad Hillary won Texas and Ohio, because that means that we are in for some Democrat priamary fun. I would have gone and voted for her too just to make it harder for Obama to win if I hadn't been working yesterday and sick with the flu all through early voting.

I have a new partner at work. His name is Marty. He's a county boy, a firefighter-EMT, very confident, always smiling, usually very pleasant, easy to talk to. No one else at work likes working with him, and I can't imagine why. I think they think he's cocky. But transfer EMTs are a different breed from 911 EMTs, and he and I are the latter kind. We had our third shift yesterday. We got a few hours of sleep, then we got a call around 4am that we finished around 5:30. Since we were going home a little while after that, we decided to just go get breakfast at IHOP. We had a great conversation about religion and salvation and the afterlife, just sharing our differing religious views with interest. It was a great conversation. I was kinda sad it had to end. And the other sad thing is that he is expecting to be offered a job at a fire department soon, so he will be leaving me soon anyways. I just finished my application to be an ER tech in the Baylor system, so hopefully I will be leaving soon too.

Well, I said I would start blogging again. There you go.

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